Positive Thoughts from Dutch Meadows on the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

written by

Dave Stoltzfus

posted on

March 13, 2020

There is no doubt in our minds that 100% of our customers are aware of the Coronavirus news by now. And, while there have even been some platforms pointing out the specific fact that an event like this can (already is) causing e-commerce sales to rise, we don’t ever feel the need to utilize mainstream news or events to promote our products. That being said, we’re also not remaining ignorant to what’s going on right now and we have taken some time to focus on the facts and focus on how Dutch Meadows meaningfully exists in this whole situation. So, here it is:

If it’s Not Hurting You to Stay Close to Home...

There has been a lot of negative labeling of individuals who are promoting/choosing social distancing. As with many choices in life, especially in America, we all have the right to make our own, regardless of scientific evidence or not. In this case, there is scientific evidence that supports how social distancing can have a significant positive impact on the direction of this pandemic. We understand some people need to leave their homes and direct communities (thank you health care professionals). That will happen. If you don’t need to, as in the only true negative outcome of you staying in is inconvenience, then we suggest you consider what true harm can be done (whether you see it or hear about it or not) from your actions. Even if you damper your travel and schedule for two weeks, in the grand scheme of things can that even be considered a sacrifice compared to how many lives it could potentially save? Our thoughts? Stay local folks.

Sanitation is Always First and Foremost in Our Book

We’ve always been very open and transparent about our sanitation methods and are hyper-aware of cleanliness every step of the way no matter what’s in the news. We also have a very small team so we’re able to reiterate and monitor our standards across the board. We’re not just sending a memo out to a factory of workers and keeping our fingers crossed that they agree to wash their hands properly. We adhere to very strict standards. We always have. We always will. There is absolutely no reason any of our customers should have extra concern about germs spreading, through the handling and delivery of our products, to your homes and loved ones.

It Always Pays to Build a Strong Immune System

Whether we’re talking about the flu or coronavirus or any attack on our health, our immune system is the first, and therefore should be the best, line of defense. So often we wait until that attack happens to try and fix it when the best defense is really a good offense. If we remain proactive about our health and routinely fuel our bodies with nutrients that boost immunity, we naturally reduce our risk of contracting, and suffering from, many illnesses. Grass fed beef, raw milk, whole organic produce, and bone broth are just a few items we carry that are packed with unique vitamins and nutrients that benefit your immune system.

Many Small Businesses Are Hurting Right Now

There are a lot of small businesses - in all industries, not just food and agriculture - that are already, and will continue to be, seriously devastated by the shifts in consumer behavior. We are grateful for our ability to continue selling our products and continue business as we normally do. We are keeping those businesses that can’t continue to operate in our thoughts. While we previously stated two weeks is “not that long” we must remember that two weeks of no income for a small business can be the difference between bills getting paid and food getting on the table. So what are we supposed to do if we want to practice social distancing AND care about our local, small businesses? First, check with that local business directly. Some businesses are shifting their offerings to accommodate for the loss in their operations that are impacted by the virus. We’ve also heard people suggesting that consumers buy gift cards from the small businesses they normally frequent and support in their community. We think this is a great idea and urge you to offer whatever support you can in that way or another friendly way.

In the end, the most important thing to remember is we’re all in this together and treating your neighbor with love and respect goes a long, long way - regardless of that individual’s status or opinion, and regardless of the latest news.

As always, we wish you many blessings and good health!

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